The Fastest Way to Get Rid of Paronychia

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What is paronychia?

Paronychia (nail inflammation) is one of the common illnesses that can affect you at any time. Trauma, irritation, or infection can cause it. Fingernails and toenails can both be affected. The causative germs can infiltrate broken skin near the cuticle and nail fold resulting in paronychia. The skin at the base of the nail is called the cuticle. Where the skin and the nail meet is called the nail fold.

Paronychia can present itself in varying forms depending on the cause and severity.

Acute and chronic paronychia have similar symptoms. They’re mostly distinguished by using the time it takes for the infection to start and how long it lasts. Chronic infections develop gradually and last for several weeks. On the other hand, acute infections appear suddenly and go swiftly.

Some of the symptoms that present paronychia include: Changes in nail shape, color, and texture detachment of your nail. Others are redness of the skin around your nail, the discomfort of the skin around your nail, pus-filled blisters.

In mild circumstances, paronychia can sometimes be treated at home. However, If your symptoms do not improve after a few days of applying home treatments, we recommend that you see your doctor.

Let us now offer the quickest and cheaper methods for getting rid of paronychia.

Immerse the afflicted parts in a bath of warm water

Paronychia can sometimes be treated at home in moderate cases. The simplest easy to do home ready is to immerse the affected parts in warm water.

Several times a day, you can soak the affected area for 15 minutes in warm water. You should make certain to completely dry the area, after soaking. Soaking the cuticle and nailbed will aid in the drainage of pus (if any) from beneath the skin.

Gentian violet

You can have quick relief from your paronychia by using 2% gentian violet. Gentian violet is an antiseptic dye that is used to treat skin illnesses. It also has mild antibacterial properties and can be used to prevent infection in minor cuts and scrapes. You can buy Gentian violet over the counter from any drug shop or pharmacy.

Clean the affected area, rinse thoroughly, and pat dry before using. Before applying this medication, make sure the area is completely dry. You should apply the gentian violet to the affected region using a cotton swab to avoid staining your hands. You should apply solely to the afflicted region, avoiding the healthy skin around it. Unless the area being treated includes the hands, wash hands promptly after use.

Make sure you don’t get any of the product in your eyes. If the medication gets into your eyes, rinse them for at least 15 minutes with clean water. If your eye becomes irritated, seek medical help. Plastic or waterproof bandages should not be used to cover the region. For two weeks, apply twice daily. Fantastic outcomes! For a while, your nail will be purple, but it will work.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree Oil is a natural antibacterial that is extracted from the tea tree. This oil is a beneficial essential oil. It is effective against a multitude of infections. Tea tree oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory qualities because of the flavonoids and terpenes that are especially effective in treating paronychia.

You should prepare the concoction and apply a few drops of the tea tree oil to the gauze. Proceed and wrap it around the affected area after diluting it with water or carrier oil such as coconut oil. Tea tree oil should not be diluted if you can tolerate some stinging. If the paronychia is caused by a fungus, mix oregano oil with it to boost antifungal effects.

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Another natural cure for paronychia is Apple Cider Vinegar. This paronychia remedy also has several health benefits one of which is its’ antiseptic and antimicrobial activities. These active ingredients can successfully reduce inflammation and also kill the germs that cause paronychia.

You should place a moistened cotton ball soaked with Apple Cider Vinegar on the affected nail for 20 minutes. Normally, you will experience a stinging sensation. If the stinging is too much for you, dilute the vinegar with water and use it again.

Turmeric and Onion combination

Turmeric is a vivid orange-yellow spice that’s widely used in curries and sauces,  derived from the root of its’ plant. It has medicinal, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects that have been in use for thousands of years. Turmeric tea is a common way to get turmeric into your system. It has a distinct but not overpowering taste. Turmeric tea is also a terrific method to get all of turmeric’s health benefits. Among the many benefits, when combined with onion skin, it is reported to aid paronychia treatment especially due to its’ anti-inflammatory effects.

To treat paronychia, you should warm an onion skin with a few drops of coconut oil and turmeric mixture on the stove. After that, apply it to the infected fingernail or toenail and cover it with a band-aid. It will heal quickly if you do it twice a day for a few days.

Baking Soda

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a common ingredient in baked goods. It possesses leavening qualities, which means it causes the dough to rise by releasing carbon dioxide. Baking soda has many other uses around the house as well as health benefits.

Because bacteria and fungus thrive in an acidic environment, raising the pH of the skin around the nail will strangle the bacteria and fungus that cause paronychia. This is where baking soda comes in; because it is highly alkaline, it will lessen the acidity of the surrounding skin when used to treat paronychia.

You can use a paste of the combination of baking soda and a few drops of water, then apply it to the affected finger of the toenail. Proceed and cover it with gauze. Paronychia will be gone in no time if you do this three times a day.

Lemon and Mustard oil

Lemon is sometimes used as the best paronychia home treatment. It will rapidly help you reduce your pain effectively. If affected by paronychia, take a glass of warm water and squeeze some drops of lemon juice in it. Mix it well with a spoon and dip your affected hand or feet.

Using Mustard oil and lemon is another excellent natural home remedy that can help in resolving paronychia. You should soak your fingers or feet in the mixture for at least fifteen minutes per day.

 Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera has several healing properties including antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. It contains polyphenol antioxidants, which help to reduce skin inflammation and soothe the toenail or fingernail bed and cuticle. If you are affected by paronychia, simply take a fleshy aloe vera leaf and apply it to the affected finger or toes. If you don’t have access to fresh aloe vera leaves, aloe vera gel can be purchased at a local health store and applied to the affected finger or toe.


The home remedies listed above can be used to successfully cure paronychia. However, to avoid paronychia, you should be aware of its risk factors and strive to minimize them. Whenever symptoms persist following the listed remedies, you should talk to your doctor.

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