obstetrics and gynecology

Obstetrics and Gynecology Department

This is one of the Gulu Hospital’s departments, charged with providing clinical services, training, and research in the area of reproductive health. There are several OBGYN specialists and midwives here, all with varying levels of training, skills and experience.

Every year, the department provides care for more than 10,000 expectant mothers, and the labour suit oversees more than 11000 deliveries, with over 20% of which are Caesarean sections. We provide referral services to the people in nine districts around within Acholi sub-region.

What To Expect

The department has a number of clinical categories, including Maternal Fetal Medicine, Uro-gynecology, Gynecological Oncology, Family Planning, Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, and General Obstetrics, and Gynecology, among others.

Our department of obstetrics and gynecology at Gulu Hospital is influenced by our dedication to patient- and family-centered treatment. Under one roof, we offer the most cutting-edge obstetrical and neonatal treatment.


In the category of gynecology, we provide comprehensive outpatient and inpatient gynecologic care as well as the most cutting-edge minimally invasive treatments for both common and complicated problems. These include gynecologic malignancies, urine incontinence, and uterine fibroids. We are well known for its high success rates and contribution to the formation of happy families. Women with ongoing medical conditions can also receive evaluations from us.

In terms of obstetrics, we deliver more infants than any other hospital in the area while delivering the best care possible for patients and their families. All patients who are pregnant receive care from us, and high-risk and multiple pregnancies are our areas of expertise. We also offer fetal illness and condition patients life-saving prenatal care. Many of the most cutting-edge obstetric monitoring techniques used today were developed by us. Infants as young as 23 weeks gestation can be cared for by us because of our specialized equipment. The largest NICU facilities and equipment in the sub-Acholi region is found in our cutting-edge facility.